Map Conquest

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🌒 24 Hour &⚡Blitz Games
There are two types of games.🌒 24 Hour Games & ⚡Blitz Games.

  • 🌒 24 Hour Games are usually played over a period of days or weeks. You have 24 hours to take your turn. Join multiple games and log in once or twice a day to take your turns. If a player does not finish their turn within 24 hours, a 🤺 Nudge Button will appear for the other players. The 🤺 Nudge Button can force skip the current players turn.

  • ⚡ Blitz Games are fast real time games where players in the game are ideally online to take their turn. Each player has 60 seconds to finish their turn, before the 🤺 Nudge Button appears where other players can force skip the current players turn.
  • Getting Started
  • Joining a game.
  • You can join a game that is waiting for players. Some games you may need to input a password.

    Check the settings of a game waiting for players by hovering Extra Info. If you wish to join, just click anywhere on that row.


    All you need to do once entering a game, is to select any available color. The game will start when the game is full.

    choose color

  • Creating a game.
  • To create a game, click on Create Game. The default options are set up for a 2 or 3 player game depending on the map. You can get started right away just clicking the Create Game button at the bottom of the page, otherwise use the forms for other game settings.

    Check the Glossary for an explanation of any of the game setting options.

    create game

  • Inviting Players.
  • You can invite players in bulk by highlighting their names in the players list.


    Playing a Turn
    1. Deployment phase. 🪂
    At the start of your turn, the game calculates how many reinforcements you are suppose to receive. You will always earn at least a minimum of 3 troops. The dropdown will also display the names of all your territories. Look at your user-name. Your pieces on the board are the same color as your user-name. Click select any of your territories ont the map or use the drop-down forms, to select where to Deploy Troops. 🪂


    In the image, the user has selected Venezuela to place all 3 territories. You can deploy any amount on any of your own colored territories. When All troops are deployed, you move on to the Attack Phase.

    2. Attack phase. ⚔
    Again, select one of your own territories. You are choosing where to attack from (your territory) and choosing an opponents territory. Both selected territories MUST be connected.


    In the image, the user has selected his territory Venezuela to attack another player that owns the territory Brazil. Click the ⚔ Attack button. The outcome of the result depends on the automated dice that will appear. The attacker has 3 dice. The defender has 2 dice. Note: If you do not choose to Attack, you can skip the Attack phase.

    3. Occupy phase. 🏰
    IF you successfully conquer a territory, use the 🏰 Occupy form & button to invade it with allowable troops. A successful invasion earns you a bonus card for the next round.


    You can keep attacking and occupying more territories if you still have attacking armies before moving to the final phase.

    4. Fortification phase. 🛡
    This is the final turn phase. You can choose to skip this phase by clicking the 🛑 Finish Turn button, otherwise, select two of your OWN territories to manoeuvre your troops around the board. Your territories must be connected.


    In the image, the user has selected to move 2 armies from Brazil, back to Venezuela. Click 🛑 Finish Turn when you are done fortifying, and await your next turn.

    5. Card phase. 🃏
    The Card phase happens when you are able to trade in a set for extra armies at the start of the round, or mid turn, if you are holding on to too many after collecting them from a targeted player. If you have successfully conquered 1 territory during your turn, you earn a card.


    The number next to your user-name, shows how many cards you own. Click on the number and you can see what cards you have. You will need to collect a matching set of 3. All the same or 1 of each makes a set. Card types. Inf (Infantry) / Art (Artillery) / Can (Cannon) / Wild (Any). Map Conquest will prompt you when you can choose to trade or have to trade cards. You cant hold on to more than 5.


    In this image the player has selected a matching set (3 of the same). The player will earn the Trade Bonus for the round. There is also a special card bonus. If you own a territory with the same card, you earn +2 troops when selected.

    A 🤺 Nudge button appears for waiting players either after 24 hours or 60 seconds depending on the game type of 🌒 24 Hours or ⚡Blitz Games. When used it skips the turn of the current player to move the game to the next player.
    Chained fortifications.
    A fortification setting that allows you to move from one of your territories to another territory that is connected to it through a chain of territories that you own, without crossing any territories you do not own.
    Unlimited fortifications.
    A fortification setting that allows you to make as many chained fortifications as you wish during one fortification phase.
    Fog of War Armies.
    Show Adjacent. This is a game setting. If turned on then you will only see the enemies armies next to your own.

    Show None. This is a game setting. If turned on then you will not see the enemies armies at all.

    Attacking Options.
    Till Dead. An attacking option when clicked it will attack an enemies territory with one click.

    Attack Path. An attacking option used with Till Dead option, to create an attacking path.

    war path

    Frequently Asked Questions
    What happens when eliminating an opponent?
    If during your turn you eliminate an opponent by defeating his or her last army on the game board, you win any cards that player has collected. If winning them gives you 6 or more cards, you must immediately trade in enough sets to reduce your hand to 4 or fewer cards, but once your hand is reduced to 4,3, or 2 cards, you stop trading (unless Warmonger is enabled, then you must continue trading, if you can). But if winning them gives you fewer than 6, you must wait until the beginning of your next turn to trade in a set. Note: When you draw a card from the deck at the end of your turn (for having won a battle), if this brings your total to 6, you must wait until your next turn to trade in.
    What does "kamikaze" mean?
    If you CAN attack, you MUST attack!
    What does "connected" fortification mean?
    If the game configuration allows connected fortifications, the fortifying group may travel as far as possible with the one caveat, that it must travel through friendly territories!
    What does "warmonger" mean?
    If you CAN trade, you MUST trade!
    What is a "placement" limit?
    If the game configuration defines a placement limit, this number is the maximum number of armies that can be placed on a territory during the INITIAL army placement. Note: Once the game state switches to playing, there is no limit on army placement.
    How do I earn cards?
    At the end of any turn in which you have captured at least one territory, you will earn one card. You are trying to collect sets of 3 cards in any of the following combinations: 3 cards of same design (Infantry, Cavalry, or Artillery) or 1 each of 3 designs or any 2 plus a wild card
    What do I do with the cards?
    If you have collected a set of 3 cards, you may turn them in at the beginning of your next turn, or you may wait. But if you have 5 or 6 cards at the beginning of your turn, you must trade in at least one set, and may trade in a second set if you have one. Note: If Warmonger is enabled, you must trade a matching set, and continue to trade sets until you have no more to trade.
    What is the "trade card bonus" for occupied territories?
    If any of the 3 cards you trade in shows a territory you occupy, you may receive extra armies. You must place those armies onto that particular territory. Note: The extra army bonus is 2 by default, but can be set to any whole number including zero, when the game is created. Check the Game Info to see the bonus value for a particular game. When your trade includes more than one occupied territory, you pick which territory receives the bonus. You will only receive one bonus per trade.
    What does "nuclear war" mean?
    In nuclear war, the traded bonus card is used to REDUCE an ENEMY territory by the bonus value. The default (2 armies) can be changed in the custom trades section of the form by the game creator. Note: Where bonus card value is high, and/or land army count is low, a nuke strike will leave the enemy land with a one army minimum.
    What does "turncoat" mean?
    In the turncoat game variation, the traded bonus card is used to switch your enemy armies to your army. All of the enemy armies on the bonus land become yours. However, you may not use a turncoat card against an opponent that has only one territory left. Note: With this feature, armies will not be added to the bonus land, however, the army count on the bonus land may be reduced by the bonus card value if the nuke feature is used.